Tomorrow’s energy

We want to make it possible for everyone to benefit from the inexhaustible energy sources around them, because wind, sun, and biomass are just about everywhere for the taking. We are convinced that decentralised renewable energy supply will become the standard, as people today want to reshape the things that are most important to them, including their sources of electricity and heat. That is why we are so devoted to coming up with cost-effective, forward-looking ideas that meet demand and can be put into practice locally, where people live and work.

  • We perform first-class work. In everything we do.
  • We are committed to partnership and personal service.
  • We are successful.
    With our business activities, our customer-oriented and flexible offers and our fast decisions.
  • We are courageous. We consciously go off the beaten track, leave our comfort zone and are innovative.
  • We are international. With successful locations in Germany, France and Finland.
  • We are regional. Always close to our customers.
  • Our actions are just as sustainable as our products and services. We live it. Inside and out.
That is who we are
  • We are always reliable, fair and grounded.
  • We burn for what we do and work with passion.
  • We are humane. This guides our language and conduct among one another.
  • We take joy in what we do. Joy we share in all our relationships.
  • Because we treat them as equals, people always feel comfortable with us.

“Everyone should have the opportunity to be supplied by locally produced renewable energy.”
Michael Raschemann
Managing Director


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