Energy storage facilities

Together with Enercon, we commissioned what was the largest battery storage facility in Europe when it was built in September 2015 at Feldheim, Brandenburg. The lithium-ion storage system with a capacity of 10,700 kilowatt hours contributes to securing the transmission system operator’s grid frequency at 50 Hertz. The storage facility, known as “Feldheim regional regulating power plant” (RRKW), provides primary control power for the transmission grid. It is needed to compensate for short-term fluctuations in the operator’s grid frequency. In the event of a power surplus, the regional regulating power plant relieves the grid at short notice; in the reverse case, power is delivered within seconds, thus stabilising the grid.

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Storage:Lithium-ion battery by LG Chem
Number of modules:3360 = 10.787 MWh
Investment:€ 12.8 million
Inverter:WEC inverter by Enercon
Output:10 MW / 8 Mvar / 13 MVA
Efficiency AC/AC:> 85%
Lifetime:> 10 years
Commercialisation:Primary control power in the pool of Vattenfall Europe
Construction period:Aug 2014 – Jul 2015
Test operation:Jul 2015 – Sep 2016
Control operation:From Oct 2016

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