“Renewables do good” is the motto of the charitable Energiequelle Foundation, which was established on 27 September 2016 in Treuenbrietzen.

For many years now, Energiequelle GmbH has been active in nurturing social and cultural goals in our project regions throughout Germany. With the Energiequelle Foundation, this commitment has been given an entirely new form.

In our new foundation, we explicitly aim to raise the awareness of environmental and climate protection issues. We wish to contribute to creating a liveable future for the generations of our children and grandchildren. We therefore foster science and research in the field of renewable energies. The transformation of our energy system begins with the imparting of knowledge about the sustainable use of nature and the environment – our precious resources. With the promotion of projects in education and nature conservation, we create a fundamental understanding of this topic.

Rural areas are the prime arena for the energy transition. Here we support traditional village life in the fields of art, culture and customs. In addition, we are committed to youth and elderly care.

Doreen and Michael Raschemann, as directors of the Foundation, decide together with local committees on the allocation of funding and the selection of projects. In principle, all non-profit associations and institutions in the project regions of Energiequelle GmbH can apply to the Foundation.

I will be glad to advise you
Doreen Raschemann
Board of Directors

T +49 33769 120

The purpose of the foundation is to promote:

  • Science, research and environmental protection, especially in the field of renewable energies
  • Art and culture as well as traditional customs
  • Education and nature conservation
  • Youth and elderly care


Current funding commitments broken down by region:

Region Feldheim

  • People’s Solidarity
  • Cultural and Traditional Association
  • Church

City of Treuenbrietzen

  • Cycling advice and action for a healthy city
  • Mobility concept

City of Falkenberg

  • Expansion of capacity in the “Villa Kunterbunt” day-care centre

Application documents

Here you will find all the documents required to submit an application:

It is important for citizens to be able to participate in our projects. And it should be a tangible benefit that does not always have to be associated solely with a clean energy supply.  

Michael RaschemannManaging Director


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