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Press ReleaseWind
30.01.2025, Kallinchen (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH receives permits for two wind farms in Germany

The permits for two Energiequelle GmbH wind farms in Germany were granted in December. In Lüben in Lower Saxony and Minden in North Rhine-Westphalia, preparations are now beginning for the tendering and construction of the eight turbines. The wind farms have a total capacity of 38.4 MW and will contribute to a sustainable energy supply in the regions in future.

Repowering in Minden
In Minden, in the north-east of North Rhine-Westphalia, Energiequelle is planning to dismantle two Enercon and three NEG Micon turbines as part of a repowering project. Three Nordex N149 turbines with a total height of 200 meters will then be installed. The new wind turbines each have an output of 5.7 MW and will increase the efficiency of the wind farm by more than 500 percent compared to the old farm. Jan Schrobsdorff, Project Manager at Energiequelle, is delighted that the decision was received in good time before Christmas: “After a lengthy development planning process and high bureaucratic hurdles, we were eagerly awaiting the approval. This is an important milestone in the project.”

Lüben wind farm
The BImSchG approval for the Lüben wind farm (municipality of Wittingen, Lower Saxony) was submitted in March of last year. Five Enercon E-138 turbines with a hub height of 160 meters and an output of 4.26 MW each are to be erected here. Lüben is Energiequelle's second wind farm in the municipality of Wittingen within a year. “Regional planning took more than ten years and demanded a lot of patience from us. The entire team is therefore very happy about the permit that we have been holding in our hands since December 20th” says Tina Hermerding, project manager in Wittingen.

All necessary steps and registrations for both parks are to be completed by February in order to participate in the next tender. Construction work is scheduled to begin this year, with commissioning planned for 2026.

In total, Energiequelle has received approvals for 15 projects with a nominal capacity of 290 MW (wind) and 74 MWp (PV) in 2024.

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Press ReleaseWind
08.01.2025, Ludwigsfelde (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH commissions wind turbine in Ludwigsfelde

Energiequelle GmbH has put a wind turbine into operation in Ludwigsfelde. An Enercon E-138 with a hub height of 160 metres was erected on a landfill site in the Brandenburg district of Teltow-Fläming. The turbine has an output of 4.2 MW and produces electricity for around 5,000 households.

Approval for the project was granted in March 2023. Following a rejected appeal and legal action, construction of the turbine was able to begin in February last year. The plant has now successfully fed its first kilowatt hour into the grid.

Erik Klaus, Project Manager at Energiequelle GmbH, is delighted that the plant is now connected to the grid: ‘The commissioning of the new wind turbine is a significant milestone. The successful realisation shows the determination and commitment of everyone involved.’

The turbine is the 808th wind turbine erected by Energiequelle. Since its foundation in 1997, the company has connected more than 1,700 MW to the grid across Europe.

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Press ReleaseInnovation
16.12.2024, Feldheim (Germany)

Neue Energien Forum in Feldheim honoured and certified for innovative and sustainable educational work

The Neue Energien Forum (NEF), which is part of the energy self-sufficient village planned by Energiequelle in Feldheim, Brandenburg, has been honoured for its innovative and sustainable educational offering. The NEF has received the ‘National Award - Education for Sustainable Development’ from the German UNESCO Commission. 24 outstanding initiatives were honoured for their special commitment to innovative educational approaches. The award ceremony by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research took place on 1 October 2024 in the Klimahaus Bremerhaven. The initiatives impressed with their innovative educational approaches that enable people to actively help shape a sustainable and responsible future. The NEF impressed the jury with its impressive commitment to implementing the United Nations' global sustainability goals.

Additional ESD certification

On 18 November, the NEF also received certification for its environmental education from the Brandenburg Service Agency for Education for Sustainable Development (BNE). As an extracurricular place of learning, it was honoured alongside five other organisations for its outstanding educational work in the field of sustainability. With the award in Potsdam, the six winners can now advertise themselves and their programmes as high-quality educational actors for four years.

The concept of the New Energies Forum

With its permanent exhibition on renewable energies, the Neue Energien Forum makes an important contribution to sustainable education in the field of climate protection and the energy transition. Feldheim's energy concept is explained, and renewable energies brought to life using models, panels and information and experimentation stations. The forum also offers programmes for team days, specialist tours, school project days and conference rooms. From politicians to climate protection officers, professors, students and pupils, the Neue Energien Forum Feldheim welcomes people from all over the world.

The energy self-sufficient village of Feldheim

The success story of Energiequelle and Feldheim began over 25 years ago. Together with companies, private households and local authorities, an innovative overall concept for a decentralised, renewable energy supply was implemented. The individually connected households in Feldheim are supplied independently via separate distribution networks with electricity and heat from renewable energy plants located directly in or on site. Energiequelle has planned the building blocks of this concept, modern wind energy and biogas plants, using state-of-the-art technology, constructed them as turnkey projects and finally linked them to form a regional energy supply network via the newly built distribution system.

Energiequelle and the connection to Feldheim, its vision and its ongoing development into an educational centre for young and old, are now more tangible than ever. ‘Feldheim shows how the energy transition can be lived and how sustainability can be made tangible. We are delighted that the project and the educational programme are becoming visible through the awards,’ says Doreen Raschemann, Chairwoman of the Förderverein Neue Energien Forum Feldheim e.V. (Feldheim New Energies Forum Association).

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Press ReleaseCommitment
21.10.2024, Zossen (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH is a finalist for the ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes’

Energiequelle is a finalist in the prestigious ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes’ competition. The award is presented by the Oskar Patzelt Foundation and recognises companies that make a significant contribution to economic and social prosperity through innovative solutions and sustainable business models. Out of a total of 4,600 companies across Germany, 24 were honoured as finalists. The award ceremony took place on 21 September with almost 400 guests in Würzburg and represented the first part of the competition. The second part followed last Saturday in Düsseldorf. The nationwide special prizes and plaques of honour were awarded at the Oskar Patzelt Foundation's national ball in Düsseldorf.

Energiequelle not only impressed the jury with its commitment to employee training, intensive onboarding and cooperation with colleges and universities. Its close collaboration with local authorities and municipalities, its innovative strength in the energy self-sufficient village of Feldheim, its research work in the field of hydrogen and the renaturalisation of a raised bog also contributed to the nomination. Since 2016, Energiequelle and its foundation have also been committed to social causes and have supported more than 71 projects to date - including school project days and other measures to promote education.

Since 1994, the ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes’ has honoured companies that make a significant contribution to society. Energiequelle has been nominated for the fourth time since 2012. This year's nomination was made by the town of Zossen.

By being honoured as a finalist, Energiequelle GmbH, which has been active in the field of renewable energies since 1997, is included in the prestigious list of awards of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation and recognised for outstanding achievements in the SME sector.

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Press ReleaseWind
26.09.2024, Kallinchen (Germany)

Four Energiequelle GmbH wind farms awarded contracts in the Federal Network Agency's August tender

Four Energiequelle GmbH wind farms have been awarded contracts in the latest onshore wind energy tender. With a total of 68.1 MW, the company was successful despite being slightly oversubscribed.

The wind farms are located in Bremen (Rekum, two turbines totalling 14 MW), Thuringia (Sömmerda, four turbines totalling 22 MW), Brandenburg (Danna, one turbine with 4.3 MW) and Hesse (Heringen, four turbines totalling 22 MW).

Gregor Weber, Managing Director of Project Management at Energiequelle, is delighted with the success: ‘We were able to get wind farms approved in four different federal states and have now successfully completed the tendering process. We are particularly pleased about the first award for two of our projects from our almost 300 MW portfolio in Thuringia and Hesse, which we developed together with Alterric. In the next step, we will do everything we can to prepare for the start of construction in order to connect the parks to the grid as quickly as possible.’

In total, the company has already built more than 800 plants with a total nominal output of 1,700 MW.

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Press ReleaseCommitment
24.09.2024, Feldheim (Germany)

Energiequelle welcomes Olaf Scholz in Feldheim

Last Friday, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited the energy self-sufficient village of Feldheim. In Feldheim, Energiequelle GmbH has realised an innovative energy concept together with the town, the citizens and the agricultural cooperative. The village is completely self-sufficient with its own electricity and heating network, making it a pioneer in the municipal energy transition.

The small village in Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg, receives around 5,000 visitors a year, including the German Chancellor. He was accompanied by MDB Sonja Eichwede (SPD) and Melanie Balzer, direct candidate for the SPD in the Potsdam Mittelmark constituency.

Energiequelle Managing Director Michael Raschemann welcomed Olaf Scholz and his companions to the Neue Energien Forum Feldheim, an information and exhibition centre for renewable energies. After a brief tour of the exhibition, a round table discussion took place with local stakeholders. Among those present were Michael Knape as mayor of the town of Treuenbrietzen, Petra Richter as head of Feldheim, Sebastian Herbst and Werner Schlunke as representatives of the agricultural co-operative and Brigitte Kappert as a resident of the first hour. Over coffee and cake, the development of Feldheim was reported on - from the first plant, the biogas plant, the storage facility and the wind farm, which now consists of 55 turbines. Knape emphasised the importance of the financial benefits for the municipal budget and Olaf Scholz saw his government's goal of involving the municipalities in the energy transition confirmed. However, the Chancellor was also informed that positive examples such as Feldheim are still the exception and that everyone must work together to better recognise and exploit the opportunities of the energy transition locally.

Things got exciting when the Managing Director of the agricultural cooperative, Sebastian Herbst, reported on the current situation of the biogas plant. Olaf Scholz emphasised the importance of biogas, as electricity and heat must also be produced at times when the wind and sun are unable to deliver. From the reality of the plant operators

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Press ReleaseCompany
23.09.2024, Kallinchen (Germany)

Top marks once again for the operational management of Energiequelle GmbH

Every three years, Energiequelle GmbH carries out a customer satisfaction survey in the area of operations management. The operations manager with regional offices throughout Germany once again scored top marks. On a scale of 1 to 6, the almost 18 questions were given an average score of 1.15. Almost 40 customers took part in the survey.

In the survey, Energiequelle wanted to find out from its customers how satisfied they were with the company's technical and commercial services and communication. Specific topics included customer service, reporting, the handling of payment transactions and the organisation of fault and repair processes.

The very good availability, the high level of expertise and the friendliness of the contact persons were again emphasised. Almost all customers would recommend Energiequelle GmbH's operations management to others.

Lars Schiller, Managing Director of Operations Management at Energiequelle, is very pleased with the result: ‘Despite increasing market demands on our services, the shortage of skilled labour common in the industry and the strong growth in projects, we were able to maintain our high quality standards and continue to satisfy our customers.’

Energiequelle currently manages almost 850 plants with almost 1,800 MW in the wind, PV, biogas and grid sectors.

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Press ReleaseCooperation
21.08.2024, Kallinchen (Germany), Austria

Energiequelle GmbH concludes cooperation agreement with Austrian developer Brandpower

Energiequelle has signed a cooperation agreement with the Austrian company Brandpower Windkraft GmbH & Co KG. Brandpower develops and operates power plants and is therefore a strategically important partner for Energiequelle for its entry into the Austrian market. The companies are pursuing the common goal of developing wind and solar projects and thus driving forward the expansion of renewable energies in Austria.

Austria has set itself ambitious targets to achieve climate neutrality. To date, more than 80 percent of electricity capacity already comes from renewable energy sources. The last coal-fired power plant was taken off the grid in 2020. The federal government’s goal is to switch 100% of all domestic electricity consumption to renewable energy sources by 2030 and to achieve climate neutrality in Austria by 2040.

Juan Hernan, Director International Project Management at Energiequelle, is therefore convinced of the country’s potential: “Austria has established clear political framework conditions to enable the expansion of wind and solar energy. With Brand-power, we also have a local partner at our side who knows the country and the laws and whose network and expertise we can benefit from when we enter the market.”

Josef Brandstetter, Managing Director of Brandpower, is also looking forward to the collaboration: “Energiequelle’s experience will provide us with expert support in Austria. Energiequelle’s strategy and its commitment to finding energy solutions together with local communities and people convinced us.”

Energiequelle already established contacts with partners last year to prepare for its market entry in Austria. The first milestone has now been reached with the cooperation agreement.

Austria is the sixth country in which Energiequelle is active worldwide. In addition to Germany, France and Finland, Energiequelle is also active in Poland, Greece and South Africa. With more than 600 employees, the company is on a sustained course of international growth.

Photo (from left above): Felix Brandstetter (Project Developer, Brandpower), Dr Wolfgang Viertler (Public Law, Brandpower), André Möckel (Director Business Development Department, Energiequelle), Christoph Hinze (Project Manager, Energiequelle), Juan Hernan (Director International Project Management, Energiequelle).
From left below: Josef Brandstetter (Managing Director, Brandpower), Michael Raschemann (Managing Director, Energiequelle).

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Press ReleaseWind
13.08.2024, Mittelherwigsdorf (Germany)

Commissioning of the German wind farm Mittelherwigsdorf

Energiequelle GmbH has commissioned three Enercon turbines in Mittelherwigsdorf, Saxony. The wind farm is a repowering project in cooperation with Alterric, in which three of the eight old E-40, E-66 and E-70 wind turbines were dismantled and replaced with three E-138s. The turbines have a height of 160 m and an output of 4.2 MW per turbine. The repowering will increase electricity production six-fold at the three sites. This means that around 11,000 households can be supplied with renewable electricity.

Energiequelle was responsible for the development and approval as well as the coordination and monitoring of the construction process in the cooperation project. Two plants were built for Alterric Deutschland GmbH and one plant for Energiequelle GmbH. The company will also be responsible for the operational management of this plant in future.

Simon Frauendorf, site manager at Energiequelle, is delighted with the successful construction, which brought with it a number of challenges: “There was an unplanned construction site on the main road via which the large components were to be delivered. The route therefore had to be changed and some of the bends had to be widened. Wind and thunderstorms also delayed the assembly of the rotor blades, which ultimately took place at night.”

The turbines have been turning and feeding electricity into the grid for two weeks now. To date, Energiequelle has installed more than 850 turbines with a total output of around 1,700 MW.

Photo: Three Enercon E-138 turbines have gone into operation in Mittelherwigsdorf

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Press ReleaseWind
25.07.2024, Eulitz (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH begins construction of the Eulitz wind farm in Germany

Energiequelle GmbH has started construction of two wind turbines in Saxony. In Eulitz (Meißen district), the international project planning company is erecting two Enercon E-160 turbines, each with a hub height of 166 meters and an output of 5.56 megawatts (MW). The construction of the roads, crane pads and foundations has now been completed and the delivery of the large components is imminent. Installation and final commissioning are planned by the end of the year. The plants are expected to supply around 12,000 households with renewable electricity in the future. The estimated yield of the park is expected to be 36,000 MWh per year.

Energiequelle had already received the approval fort he wind farm in November 2022. However, due to a rescheduling of the plant type, construction could not begin until much later. In the meantime, the Dresden-based Energiequelle GmbH team was also concerned that the regional plan of the Upper Elbe Valley/Eastern Ore Mountains regional planning association would be overturned and the necessary planning law would therefore be lost. The ruling of the OVG Bautzen on 11.05.2023 that the priority and suitability areas for wind energy use in the 2020 regional plan were indeed declared invalid. However, the project is not affected by the ruling due to the BImSchG approval already granted at that time.

Following the repowering of the Mittelherwigsdorf wind farm, the Eulitz wind farm with the two Enercon E-160 turbines is already the second wind farm planned and realized by Energiequelle in the Free State of Saxony. Others will follow in the coming years.

Photo: Foundation of the Enercon turbine E-160

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Press Release
03.07.2024, Tüttendorf (Germany)

Repowering approval granted: 49.6 megawatt wind farm in Tüttendorf may be built

On June 26, 2024, Energiequelle GmbH and European Energy A/S received approval for the construction of eight wind turbines Vestas V162 wind turbines with a capacity of 6.2 MW each and a total height of 200 meters each. This quadruples the installed capacity of the wind farm from the current 12.5 megawatts (MW) to a total of 49.6 MW. In future, the wind farm will generate approx. 120,000 MWh of electricity per year.

Johannes Thon, Managing Director of European Energy Deutschland, emphasizes the importance of resident participation: “We are delighted with the high level of acceptance and commitment on site. The community energy company BWP Tüttendorf Projekt GmbH & Co. KG will become a co-owner of the new turbines. This will give citizens a direct stake in the wind farms and promote regional value creation. Energy in the hands of citizens is being put into practice here.”

Sören Lang, Head of Project Management in Schleswig-Holstein at Energiequelle GmbH, adds: “We are delighted that we can now start in Tüttendorf and implement the project with European Energy and BWP Tüttendorf. Repowering the wind turbines will make them more efficient and more powerful. The amount of electricity generated will be multiplied. The wind farm is therefore an important component of the energy transition in Schleswig-Holstein.”

Before the new wind turbines are erected, the seven existing turbines will be dismantled.

Photo: Section of the wind farm area in Tüttendorf (Copyright: European Energy A/S)

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Press ReleaseWind
25.06.2024, Teschendorf (Germany)

Start of construction for Energiequelle wind farm in Teschendorf

The construction of a 21 MW wind farm has begun in Teschendorf, Lower Saxony. Energiequelle GmbH, which planned and developed the wind farm in the district of Gifhorn, is erecting five Enercon E-138 turbines with a hub height of 130 meters and a capacity of 4.2 MW each. Work is currently underway on the wind farm’s road construction, with the foundations to follow in January 2025. The turbines are expected to supply around 17,000 households with renewable electricity in the future. The estimated yield of the wind farm is 60,000,000 kWh per year.

The wind farm has a long planning period behind it, as the regional planning of the Greater Braunschweig Regional Association (RGB) took almost ten years, with the subsequent development plan process taking another two years. Only then were the regional planning and land-use planning requirements for the wind farm met in order to initiate the approval procedure for the wind farm. Energiequelle was then able to obtain approval within nine months.

Tina Hermerding, Project Manager at Energiequelle GmbH, is very happy about the successful start of construction: “Our patience and that of the community of owners has paid off. We are delighted that our project in Teschendorf is making an important contribution to achieving the targets set for the expansion of wind energy in Lower Saxony.”

The wind farm is scheduled to go into operation in October 2025. Energiequelle will also be responsible for the technical and commercial management.

Photo: Enercon turbine E-138 (Copyright: Enercon)

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Press ReleaseWind
29.05.2024, Kallinchen (Germany)

Positive annual financial statements for Energiequelle GmbH

Energiequelle GmbH has closed the 2023 financial year with a turnover of almost 247 million euros. The internationally active company, which recorded sales of 213 million euros in the previous year, thus achieved an increase of 16 percent. The figures are based on the construction of a transformer station and 22 wind turbines in Germany and Finland. The total output of the wind farms amounts to 120 MW and 31 MVA of transformer station capacity.

The company has also made gains in operational management. Contracts with a total output of 119 MW were won in tenders. Energiequelle currently manages more than 850 wind, solar and biogas plants with a total output of 1,760 MW, which produce around 2.9 billion kilowatt hours (kWh). This total amount corresponds to the consumption of over 960,000 households.

International growth
As in previous years, 2023 was characterized by strong growth. For example, 140 new employees were hired worldwide and offices were opened in Berlin, Münster, Stuttgart, Kiel (Germany) and Vaasa (Finland). Energiequelle also entered two new national markets. In South Africa, a subsidiary was founded in Cape Town and in Greece, the establishment of a branch in Athens is currently being driven forward.

Awards and certifications
Energiequelle received a number of awards last year. As an employer, the company received both the Leading Employer Award and the Kununu “Top Company” seal, as well as the Certificate of Excellence from the Corporate Health Awards for outstanding company health management.

In terms of creditworthiness, Energiequelle received both the CrefoZert creditworthiness certificate and Deutsche Bank’s certificate of eligibility as a central bank. The successful year was rounded off by the certification of the control room in accordance with ISO 27001.

In 2024, 98 MW of wind and PV capacity is to be installed and two substations are to be connected to the grid. To achieve this goal, a further 100 skilled workers are to be hired. Energiequelle currently employs almost 600 people at 28 locations in six countries.



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Press ReleaseWind
30.04.2024, Zeven (Germany)

In Zeven the construction of a windfarm with a total output of 54 MW begins

A few weeks ago, Energiequelle GmbH began with the construction of the Zeven wind farm in Germany, Lower Saxony. Nine V162 turbines from Vestas with a hub height of 169 meters and an output of six MW each will be erected. In future, they will supply around 40,000 households with renewable electricity. Work is currently underway on the access road and the crane site. The wind farm with a total capacity of 54 MW is scheduled to be fully operational in spring 2025.

The project had to overcome a few hurdles before construction could begin. For example, an objection was lodged by a third party after approval was granted, which led to the approval being amended by the district of Rotenburg. This delayed the start of construction by more than six months.

Robert Koddebusch, project manager at Energiequelle GmbH, is very happy about the successful start of construction: “After years of planning, we are delighted to be able to implement the project in Zeven. The region offers great potential and is of central importance for the energy transition in Lower Saxony.”

Energiequelle is planning further wind farms in the region and in Lower Saxony. Numerous additional wind turbines are also to be erected in the district of Rotenburg.

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Press ReleaseWind
24.04.2024, Bad Gandersheim (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH celebrates the commissioning of the Bad Gandersheim repowering project

In mid-February, Energiequelle GmbH commissioned a new E-160 wind turbine with a hub height of 166 meters and an output of 5.56 MW in Bad Gandersheim (Lower Saxony). Thanks to its overall height of 250 meters and its location directly on the A7 motorway, the latest generation turbine can be seen from afar. Construction work began last February with the dismantling of four old turbines that had been in operation since 2000. With the construction of the new turbine, which replaces the four previous turbines, the repowering project has achieved an efficiency gain of around 530 percent and now supplies around 5,000 households with green electricity.

In the course of repowering, Energiequelle replaces older turbines with larger and more powerful ones. In this way, the internationally active company ensures the sustainable and consistently optimal use of the land used. This not only makes economic sense, but also represents an advantage for communities and residents, as fewer turbines are required despite the considerable increase in output and the larger rotor blades rotate much more slowly, thus protecting the landscape.

Jan Schrobsdorff, Project Manager at Energiequelle, is optimistic that further repowering projects can be implemented in the future: “It’s impressive to see how current technical progress has made such significant increases in efficiency possible. Germany offers great potential for further repowering projects, as many wind turbines are already over 20 years old.”

A small inauguration ceremony will be held at the wind turbine on May 25 to celebrate the good cooperation between Energiequelle and the local residents and stakeholders.

With more than 850 wind turbines installed and a total output of around 1,700 MW, Energiequelle is a leading company in the industry. Energiequelle currently employs around 550 people in six countries.

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Press ReleaseWindSolar
03.04.2024, Athens (Greece)

Energiequelle GmbH enters the Greek wind and solar market

The international project developer and operations manager Energiequelle has opened an office in Athens and is entering the Greek renewable energy market. Energiequelle has already been active in the southern European country for several years and has now decided to establish a Greek branch.

Polydoros Pagonis was appointed Country Manager on 1 November. He has been instrumental in driving forward the preparations for the opening of the site in recent months and has already built up a valuable local network. He has many years of experience in the field of renewable energies and in the Greek market: “I am delighted to be able to support Energiequelle’s international growth by entering the Greek market. The country offers very good conditions for the development of renewable energies and will play an important role in the energy transition in Europe in the future,” says Pagonis.

After the crisis over a decade ago, Greece is now one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. The country has set itself the goal of phasing out coal by 2028, reducing total greenhouse gas emissions by 55 per cent by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050. The country has already made considerable progress in this regard.

After Germany, France, Finland, Poland and South Africa, Greece is the sixth country in which Energiequelle is represented with branches. Gregor Weber, Senior Vice President Project Management, is very proud of the development: “We have constantly analysed and examined potential in recent years and have entered three more country markets since 2020 in order to further strengthen our international business. I am convinced that we will be able to achieve our first project successes in the new countries in the near future.”

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Press ReleaseWind
26.03.2024, Helsinki (Finland)

Energiequelle completes its fifth wind farm in Finland

The construction works of the Lumivaara wind farm are now completed and the wind farm is fully commissioned and operational. The wind farm is located in the municipality of Hyrynsalmi in eastern Finland. A total of eight N163 5.7 MW wind turbines from the wind turbine manufacturer Nordex were completed at the park, which was developed and realized by the international renewable energy company Energiequelle. The new wind farm will provide energy for around 29 000 households per year. Like Energiequelle’s other wind farms in Finland, the Lumivaara wind farm was built entirely on market terms, without any state support.

“We are proud to have completed the company’s fifth wind farm in Finland, which is also our first project in Eastern Finland,” said Nils Borstelmann, Managing Director of Energiequelle in Finland. “Energiequelle has good prospects for the future in Finland, as we have a strong and diverse pipeline of renewable energy projects. We have also consistently increased the number of employees  internationally and here in Finland, in order to safeguard the development and realization of this huge project pipeline with the well-known Energiequelle quality.”

KlimaVest fund acquires ownership of Lumivaara

The Lumivaara wind farm has been acquired  by the KlimaVest fund and represents KlimaVest’s fourth operational wind farm in Finland. Through the fund, individual investors in Germany can invest in renewable energy assets like wind and solar power plants. German asset manager Commerz Real advised KlimaVest on the investment and led the wind farm acquisition process. Commerz Real is a subsidiary of Commerzbank, Germany’s second largest listed bank. Commerz Real manages more than 50 solar power plants and more than 40 wind farms in Germany and other European countrieswith a total nominal capacity of more than 1.500 MW.

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Press ReleaseCommitment
06.03.2024, Cape Town (South Africa)

Subsidiary in South Africa supports the international growth of Energiequelle GmbH

Energiequelle has established a subsidiary in South Africa and moved into its new offices at the Waterfront in Cape Town last week. Stefan Sager has represented the local subsidiary Energiequelle South Africa (Pty) Ltd as Managing Director since January 1, 2024. He brings with him multiple experience from the wind industry and has an extensive network for the realization of wind and PV projects.

South Africa is the second largest national economy in Africa, but the lack of electricity capacity is a barrier to its growth. The wind conditions are very good, and there are also regions with high levels of sunshine. This offers extraordinary potential for renewable energies. The government has therefore been setting specific targets for the expansion of renewable energies for years. An extensive tendering process has already ensured the execution of many projects.

Stefan Sager, who is based in both South Africa and Germany, is convinced of South Africa’s potential: “Energiequelle has been involved in the development of wind projects in South Africa for some time now, also with cooperation partners. Now we want to provide even better local support for the process and add more wind and solar projects to our pipeline.”

Energiequelle has been growing for years. Last year alone, almost 150 new employees were hired to drive forward the expansion of renewable energies in Germany, Europe and South Africa.

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Press ReleaseWind
14.02.2024, Ludwigsfelde (Germany)

German Energiequelle GmbH celebrates start of construction in Ludwigsfelde

Energiequelle GmbH begins construction of a wind turbine in Ludwigsfelde. An Enercon E-138 with a hub height of 160 meters and an output of 4.2 MW is being built on a construction waste landfill site in the Brandenburg district of Teltow-Fläming.

Approval for the turbine was already granted in March 2023. The project subsequently had to undergo an objection procedure, which was rejected by the State Office for the Environment. After clarifying the legal issues relevant to the start of construction, Energiequelle decided to start building the wind turbine in order to send a positive signal for the energy transition in the region.

This week, work will begin on the road construction and then on improving the subsoil in the form of impulse compaction. The plant is due to go into operation this year and feed the first kilowatt hour into the grid.

Erik Klaus, Project Manager at Energiequelle GmbH, is delighted that the go-ahead for construction has finally been given: “The first usage agreement was concluded over ten years ago. The project required a lot of patience and had to overcome a number of hurdles. That’s why I’m very happy that we now have the permit in our hands and can start building the turbine.”

The turbine is Energiequelle’s 808th wind turbine. The company has connected more than 1,700 MW to the grid across Europe.

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Press ReleaseCompany
08.02.2024, Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande (France) 

P&T Technologie becomes Energiequelle SAS

P&T Technologie has changed its name. The French subsidiary of Energiequelle GmbH has been called Energiequelle SAS since February 1 and has thus adopted the name of the parent company.

P&T has been active in the French market since 2002 and is a key player in the renewable energy sector. The company has been part of the Energiequelle Group since 2010 and currently employs more than 50 people. In addition to the main site in Rennes, Energiequelle has branches in Dijon and Bordeaux in France. In order to meet the company’s continued growth and further staffing requirements, it has moved into larger offices in Rennes in recent weeks, with the same to follow in Dijon in March.

Jan Ducouret, Managing Director of Energiequelle SAS, is delighted with the developments: “Both the new name and the new premises are important steps in the continued growth of our company. The expertise of our employees and the strength of our parent company will enable us to master the new challenges in France.”

Michael Raschemann, owner and Managing Director of the Energiequelle Group, is also pleased about the change: “It fills me with joy and pride that our French subsidiary has decided to change its name after so many years of trusting cooperation. The name change demonstrates our sense of togetherness and allows the Energiequelle family to continue to grow.”

France was Energiequelle’s first market in other European countries. Today, the company is also active in Finland and Poland. In France alone, more than 280 MW have been connected to the grid, and two further wind farms are currently in the realization phase.

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Press ReleaseCompany
03.01.2024, Kallinchen (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH receives the Certificate of Excellence from the Corporate Health Awards for outstanding health management

Energiequelle GmbH has received the Certificate of Excellence in the competition for the Corporate Health Award and has thus been recognized for its outstanding company health management. The Corporate Health Award is the most prestigious award for company health management in Germany. It is awarded annually to companies that offer a very good standard in terms of occupational health and safety, health promotion and integration management. The certificate proves that Energiequelle has established an excellent company health management system that is one of the best in Germany.
In an application process followed by an audit at the main site in Kallinchen (near Berlin), Energiequelle GmbH was able to impress with its wide range of services. For example, the company, which is internationally committed to the expansion of renewable energies, provides all employees with a health budget that can be used for various health-promoting measures. A health day is held every two years and regular training courses on the topic of health help managers to develop their self-management and leadership skills. Through the cooperation with Wellpass, employees can use over 7,500 fitness and wellness facilities and the cooperation with the Fürstenberg Institute gives all employees the opportunity to obtain anonymous advice and further assistance in the event of problems of any kind.
Kristin Herrmann, Head of Human Resources, is proud of the assessment: “The award confirms the work we have put into developing our health management system in recent years. It is important to us to provide our employees with the best possible support to strengthen their health and resilience.”
The next Health Day for all employees will be held in June this year under the motto “Prevention instead of aftercare”. Energiequelle currently employs 550 colleagues at 25 locations.

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Press ReleaseSolar
22.01.2024, Helsinki (Finland)

Energiequelle launches a joint research project with Finnish universities to combine solar energy and agriculture

The University of Helsinki, Turku University of Applied Sciences and the renewable energy project planning company Energiequelle are jointly launching a research project to investigate the combination of solar energy and agriculture in Nordic conditions. The optimal operating model with regard to the placement of solar modules on cultivated land will be investigated in field trials. At the same time, more environmentally friendly racks for solar modules and the possibility of intelligent use on farms, for example by automating the irrigation of crops, are being investigated. This agrivoltaic project is the first of its kind in Finland.

Coexistence of solar energy and agriculture 
In agrivoltaic projects, the solar panels are not installed on the roofs of buildings. Instead, the panels and agricultural activities are located on the same area, e.g. on fields or berry farms. This allows both forms of farming to coexist. In this case, no forest or arable land needs to be taken out of use for the solar installations. The model is intended to develop solutions for the current challenges in the field of renewable energies: the expansion of wind and solar energy, the efficient use of land and the preservation of local agriculture and food production. This is why Energiequelle has teamed up with universities: “We want to create an operating model in which renewable energies and agriculture join hands to support and strengthen each other,” summarizes Karl Schultheis, Head of New Business Development at Energiequelle in Finland.

Schultheis also hopes that solar energy will reduce the risks for farmers by reducing the economic losses caused by extreme weather events. In addition, solar panels have the potential to create so-called microclimates, similar to greenhouses, which can mimic different environments. This could, for example, promote the growth of certain plants in the Nordic countries and increase yields, which could reduce dependence on food imports,” explains Mika Suontlahti, who is writing his thesis at Turku University of Applied Sciences as part of the research project.

“An operating model optimized for Finnish conditions, in which solar power is generated in parallel with agriculture, would contribute to the implementation of Finland’s sustainability and climate protection goals,” explains Antti Lajunen, the project leader at the University of Helsinki, who is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. “Solar energy is expected to be one of the fastest growing forms of energy production in the world and also in Finland. Placing solar panels on cultivated land would contribute to sustainable land use and counteract biodiversity loss and deforestation.”

There is a possibility of establishing photovoltaic pilot plants with plantations as early as next year, but the final location and timetable are still open. At this stage, it is still a limited preparatory project that will allow for larger field trials and more in-depth research on the subject.

Energiequelle has been successfully active on the Finnish market since 2015, has already connected five wind farms to the grid there and has more than 2,500 MW of wind and solar projects in the pipeline. With almost 40 employees, the expansion of renewable energies in Finland is being continuously driven forward with offices in Helsinki and Vaasa.

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Press ReleaseCompany
18.01.2024, Kiel (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH opens new office in Kiel

Energiequelle GmbH opened its new location in Kiel at the beginning of January. The new Schleswig-Holstein department, headed by Sören Lang, will be located on Rathausplatz in Kiel. The old building in the city center benefits from its direct proximity to the Kiel Fjord and the main train station. The office has workspace for twelve employees and is also equipped with a spacious conference room.

Sören Lang, Head of Project Management in Schleswig-Holstein, is convinced by the new location: “The office in Kiel strengthens our regional roots and offers short distances to our projects in Schleswig-Holstein. We also expect the university and state capital to offer us good opportunities for recruiting staff.”

The branch in Kiel represents the 25th location of Energiequelle GmbH and is the fifth new opening within a year. The company is experiencing strong growth and currently employs more than 550 people in Germany, France, Finland and Poland.

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Press ReleaseCommitment
21.12.2023, Kallinchen (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH is once again among the TOP 1 per cent of the best employers in Germany

Energiequelle GmbH receives the Leading Employer quality seal again in 2024. This puts the international company in the top 1 per cent of over 200,000 employers surveyed in Germany. The underlying data is compiled and analysed from over 250 international sources. A wide range of criteria are taken into account, such as employee satisfaction, working conditions, values, job security and the company’s environmental awareness.

Energiequelle – more than just an employer

In addition to an open corporate culture with flat hierarchies, Energiequelle offers many additional benefits that support and encourage employees both professionally and personally. Dirk Meiser, Head of Central Functions, is positive about the current growth trend at Energiequelle: “We currently employ more than 500 people in Germany and at our international locations, and the number is rising. Despite our strong growth, we do not lose sight of the fact that employee appreciation is the basis of our corporate culture. This is demonstrated by the 100 per cent recommendation rate on Kununu and the low staff turnover rate of currently 4.2 %. We are delighted to have once again been awarded as a Leading Employer and see this as confirmation of our orientation as a value-oriented and family-friendly employer.”

To date, Energiequelle has connected more than 850 plants with a total output of almost 1,600 MW to the grid across Europe and is one of the leading companies in the renewable energy sector with a total of 24 branches in Germany, France, Finland and Poland.

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Press ReleaseCompany
14.12.2023, Münster (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH opens new office in Münster

 Energiequelle GmbH celebrated the opening of its new office in Robert-Bosch-Straße in Münster this week. The newly selected location stands out as a liveable university city with excellent transport links and benefits from the short distance to the key regions for wind energy. The office offers space for around 10 – 12 employees, six of whom have already moved into the new premises. It also has a conference room and various charging points for electric vehicles.

Despite the high population density, there is an interesting market in North Rhine-Westphalia to further expand and strengthen our position in the wind and PV sector. Energiequelle has been active in North Rhine-Westphalia for some time and numerous projects are in the pipeline.

Marco Richter, the new head of the project team in North Rhine-Westphalia, is confident: “The state government is pursuing the goal of designating 1.8 % of the state’s land area for wind energy by 2025. Here in Münster, the direct proximity to partners, property owners and political decision-makers is a great advantage.”

With a total of 24 branch offices in Germany, France, Finland and Poland, Energiequelle is on a sustained international growth course. The company currently employs more than 500 people and has connected more than 1,600 MW to the grid to date.

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Press ReleaseWind
07.12.2023, Vaasa (Finland)

Energiequelle continues to expand and opens a second office in Finland

The Finnish subsidiarysubsidiary of Energiequelle has opened a new office on the west coast of Finland. The office complements the head office in Helsinki and already employs four people in the areas of project development, property security and construction. Other positions are currently being advertised.

Tore Regnell, Location Manager of the Energiequelle office in Vaasa, is convinced by the location: “The proximity to the Vaasa University campus offers a major advantage, as this region has a wealth of experience and training opportunities in the energy sector. As a result, there is a large pool of potential employees in the region, which is of great interest to us as a growing company.” The city of Vaasa has also been heavily involved in the renewable energy market in recent years, for example with the annual Vaasa EnergyWeek in March, which brings together all players in the energy sector in Finland and beyond.

Even before the opening of the new office, Energiequelle had already strengthened its presence in the Ostrobothnia region with various wind farm projects. The company currently has a pipeline of around 200 wind turbines in various stages of development. But Nils Borstelmann, Managing Director of Energiequelle Oy in Finland, is not only looking forward to enormous growth here: “Since entering the market in 2016, we have already connected four wind farms to the grid, and the fifth farm (Lumivaara) is expected to be completed by the end of the year in the municipality of Hyrynsalmi in eastern Finland. The sixth farm (Mikonkeidas) is currently being built on the west coast in Kristiinankaupunki and we are also making good progress in solar energy.”

In total, Energiequelle has planned around 2,500 MW of renewable energy projects throughout Finland. With its location in Vaasa, Energiequelle currently has 24 locations in Germany, France, Finland and Poland. Further market entries and location openings are imminent in the next few months.

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Press ReleaseWind
01.11.2023, Krummensee (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH celebrates start of construction at the Krummensee wind farm

Energiequelle GmbH started construction of the Krummensee wind farm (Brandenburg) a few weeks ago. Work is currently being done on the access road, the crane parking area and the installation of the fire water tank. The first of three Enercon E-138 wind turbines, with a hub height of 160 metres and an output of 4.2 MW, is scheduled to go into operation in summer 2024.

Two more turbines are planned, but the start of construction is currently delayed due to legal proceedings. René Straeter, project manager at Energiequelle, is nevertheless relieved: “The project team is delighted that we have been able to start construction of one of the three turbines. After six years of planning, it is a special milestone when construction begins.”

In total, Energiequelle has installed more than 850 plants across Europe with a total output of almost 1,600 MW and currently employs over 450 employees at 21 locations in Germany, France, Finland and Poland.

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Press ReleaseCompany
26.10.2023, Kallinchen (Germany)

Energiequelle GmbH opens new office in Stuttgart

Energiequelle GmbH opened a new office in Stuttgart in October. This will further drive forward business activities in southern Germany in the wind, solar and hybrid power plants sectors and strengthen the good market position in Germany. The company’s primary aim is to establish itself as a regional and value-oriented partner and to support municipal utilities, municipalities, local project developers and landowners in the expansion of renewable energies.

Stefan Groos is the new Division Manager in the South region

Stefan Groos is responsible for the expansion of business activities in Baden-Württemberg and the other southern German states. He joined Energiequelle GmbH in August and in October opened the new location in Stuttgart, which is conveniently located right by the airport. Five colleagues are already working at the new location, and various other employees are being sought. A new office is to be established in Bavaria by next year at the latest.

Stefan Groos previously held leading positions in Germany and North America during his almost 25 years in the renewable energy sector. As a board member of a regional company in Baden-Württemberg, he was responsible for the development and implementation of over 120 MW of successful wind projects until 2019 and is now looking forward to his exciting new role at Energiequelle: “In the first few weeks, I got to know Energiequelle as an excellently structured company with clear responsibilities and as a caring and ambitious employer. Together with my colleagues, we will implement the many existing projects that Stefan Siegmund and his team have already acquired in his role as head of department in Thuringia, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, as well as in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.”

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Press ReleaseWind
15.07.2021, Uthleben (Germany)

Successful community energy project by Energiequelle GmbH and Stadtwerke Nordhausen

In Thuringia, Energiequelle GmbH and the municipal utility Stadtwerke Nordhausen have successfully implemented a community energy project. The Uthleben wind farm, which went into operation in 2018, now benefits five energy cooperatives, the town of Heringen/Helme and a local farmer. A total of 450 members are participating in the two Enercon E-115 turbines, each with a capacity of 3 MW.

As a holder of the Thuringian ‘Partner for Fair Wind Energy’ seal, Energiequelle GmbH creates opportunities for citizens, companies and local authorities in Thuringia to participate. The company, which is active in Thuringia among other places, sold the Uthleben wind farm to the Nordhausen municipal utilities in 2018 on condition that the municipal utilities would transfer 49 per cent of the shares to citizens' energy cooperatives over the following three years. The three years are now up.

Gunther Rösch, project manager at Energiequelle GmbH, is pleased with the good cooperation with all parties involved: ‘Creating acceptance for wind energy projects is important. Only when local people benefit will everyone pull in the same direction. We have succeeded here.’

The wind farm in Uthleben saves 7,000 tonnes of CO2 per year and supplies around 4,000 households with green electricity. And the park is to be expanded. The stakeholders mentioned are in the starting blocks and are waiting for the current spatial development plan to be able to start concrete planning.

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