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Four Energiequelle GmbH wind farms awarded contracts in the Federal Network Agency's August tender

26.09.2024, Kallinchen (Germany)
Press ReleaseWind

Four Energiequelle GmbH wind farms have been awarded contracts in the latest onshore wind energy tender. With a total of 68.1 MW, the company was successful despite being slightly oversubscribed.

The wind farms are located in Bremen (Rekum, two turbines totalling 14 MW), Thuringia (Sömmerda, four turbines totalling 22 MW), Brandenburg (Danna, one turbine with 4.3 MW) and Hesse (Heringen, four turbines totalling 22 MW).

Gregor Weber, Managing Director of Project Management at Energiequelle, is delighted with the success: ‘We were able to get wind farms approved in four different federal states and have now successfully completed the tendering process. We are particularly pleased about the first award for two of our projects from our almost 300 MW portfolio in Thuringia and Hesse, which we developed together with Alterric. In the next step, we will do everything we can to prepare for the start of construction in order to connect the parks to the grid as quickly as possible.’

In total, the company has already built more than 800 plants with a total nominal output of 1,700 MW.